Altar Guild
These women serve under the direction of the Board of Elders. It is their responsibility to care for and maintain the altar and its furnishings and to prepare and beautify the sanctuary for worship, all to the glory of God.
Board of Fellowship
The Board of Fellowship works to strengthen the spiritual and social bonds between our members and to bring new members into our fellowship.
Parish Planning Council
The Council is made up of the Officers of OSLC and the heads of each Board.
Board of Christian Education
This Board is responsible before the church to ensure that Bible classes, Sunday school, and Vacation Bible School are carried out regularly and appropriately.
Board of CrossTown Preschool
This Board serves as a liaison between the preschool and the church.
Board of Evangelism
The Board of Evangelism's objectives are to deepen the faith of the members of OSLC and to enable them to share the Gospel with the unchurched.
The Lutheran Women's Missionary League works to support and promote the mission endeavors of the Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod.
Board of Stewardship
This Board seeks to foster good stewardship attitudes among our members in regards to time, talent and treasure.
Board of Trustees
This Board serves as the first line of defense for this church in maintaining the property and buildings.